Getting Started

Register an account

Register an account in our web portal to begin use of FIXSIM.

Register Account

Add a FIX Session

Using our web portal, create a FIX acceptor (default) and define FIX Version and CompIDs. FIXSIM provides the target IP address and port awaiting your logon message. Optionally add TLS encyrption.

Connect your FIX Application

Using the CompIDs created in Step 2, point your FIX application at the IP/Port and connect your FIX session!

You're Connected!

Once a FIX session is established, a stream of FIX messaging is available in the web portal. Submit Orders, Execute Trades, Cancel/Correct, Accept/Reject Allocation messages, Replay logs, etc. all from your browser!

Tutorial Videos

A short video showing how to add a new FIX Session to your FIXSIM account.

Set your FIX session application settings to enable Auto Acknowledgement, Auto Execution, Execution Broker codes and other default behaviors.

Showing the different ways to view FIX message traffic in FIXSIM.

Watch how to manually take action on an order sent into FIXSIM. See the order on the Blotter In view, and take action (Ack, Partially Execute, Reject, Fully Execute, etc).

Copy/Paste any valid FIX message from ANY session, add/delete/modify any tag values and FIXSIM will send the message through a FIX session. FIXSIM will automatically adjust the CompIDs, checksum, sequence numbers, bodylength, etc.

FIX Protocol Client Testing

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